We are excited to reveal new prototypes of the improved course page structure, a key deliverable on the road to Moodle 4.0, the user experience centrepiece that will transform Moodle LMS. Working in close consultation with our community of students, teachers, administrators, developers, partners and the Moodle Users Association, the new course page accommodates the most common user flows and reshapes them to provide a more straightforward user experience and clean interface.
View courses at a glance
Based on a simple activity card structure, the new dedicated My Courses page allows users to view their courses and completion details at a glance.
The Course Index
Another key improvement in Moodle 4.0 will be the addition of a new Course Index on the course page, making it easier for both students and educators to find activities and resources.
The collapsible and expandable component will help learners understand the course structure in depth and keep their progression on track. It will also mean that they will need to scroll a lot less to navigate through the course, providing quick access to each section and activity!
Educators will find it particularly powerful as they can use it to drag and reposition activities (and even whole sections) within a course.

The new course index, on the left, with a collapsible and expandable menu. Plus, the new secondary course menu sits under the primary site navigation.
As revealed earlier, a new secondary course menu sits under the primary site navigation components and has now evolved to mirror the design and functionality of the new course page structure.
Refreshed Activity Icons
Moodle’s activity icons have been redesigned and standardised in a clean, colourful palette to help users develop a quick visual reference for particular activity types.
There are also further improvements that will make the course page easier and quicker to use.
- When in the edit mode, educators can now insert new sections anywhere with only one click. This will mean that you will no longer have to wait for the page to reload or select how many sections you wish to add.
- The interface used to move activities around is also being redesigned and will include simplified descriptions that are much easier to navigate and will also make finding the destination for your activity quicker.
- Moodle’s Student activity completion released with Moodle 3.11 will be further improved by encapsulating comprehensive information about an activity and its completion criteria within an activity card.
Ongoing commitment to accessibility
Moodle is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant and in line with our ongoing commitment to accessibility, we are working closely with external accessibility consultants through every step of our design iterations to ensure Moodle 4.0’s authoring and evaluation tools are perceivable, operable, understandable and compatible.
For more information on the Moodle 4.0, please join the Moodle UX community, sign up for our usability testing and review our Moodle 4.0 documentation. Moodle 4.0 is scheduled for release in late 2021.