Building the Future of Learning: The Role of Moodle Workplace in N-TUTORR's Success

The National Technological University Transformation for Recovery and Resilience (N-TUTORR) programme is a collaborative initiative across Ireland’s technological universities and institutes of technology. Funded by the European Union and NextGenerationEU, the initiative aims to redefine learning, teaching, and assessment practices. It prioritises enhancing the student journey and empowering faculty to cultivate a sustainable, inclusive educational environment.

It aims to:

  • Transform learning, teaching, and assessment:

  • Enhance the student experience through improved pedagogy and accessibility.

  • Develop staff capabilities to integrate technology and innovative learning practices.

  • Foster a sustainable and inclusive learning environment.


N-TUTORR’s programme of work is guided by six core themes:



Our Role


Content Development




  • The N-TUTORR program required a robust and versatile Learning Management System (LMS) that could not only support but also enhance innovative teaching strategies. This LMS had to be a comprehensive solution designed to ensure accessibility for all students, regardless of their individual learning.
  • Additionally, the system had to prioritise student success, offering personalised learning paths, real-time feedback, and analytics-driven insights to help educators identify and address potential challenges early.


  • Moodle Workplace, a powerful Learning Management System (LMS), was chosen to underpin innovative teaching methods, inclusivity, and an overall positive student experience.
  • The Course Catalog feature developed by Enovation for Moodle Workplace effectively fulfilled a crucial project requirement. This distinctive functionality provided the N-TUTORR program with capabilities not easily accessible in the standard Moodle Workplace setup, enhancing the learning experience for both students and staff.
  • Leveraging Moodle Workplace facilitated a seamless transition and reduced the learning curve for users, as they were already acquainted with the platform.

Moodle Workplace Implementation

Enovation worked closely with N-TUTORR stakeholders to understand their specific needs and configure Moodle Workplace to meet them. Key features implemented include: Customisable courses: Instructors can create engaging and interactive courses with multimedia content, quizzes, and collaborative activities. Accessibility features: Moodle offers built-in accessibility features that cater to diverse learning styles and abilities. Mobile-friendly design: Students can access their learning materials anytime, anywhere, on any device. Integration with Edugate (Identity and Access Management Service): Edugate integration was crucial to ensure a seamless user experience. Students and staff can now conveniently log in to the Moodle platform using their existing university credentials. Innovative design: Enovation collaborated with a design partner to ensure the Moodle platform’s visual identity seamlessly aligned with the N-TUTORR program’s branding guidelines. This collaboration fostered a cohesive and branded learning experience for students and staff. Facilitated micro-credential offerings: To support the N-TUTORR program’s focus on granular skill recognition, Open Badge Factory was integrated with Moodle Workplace, enabling the issuance and management of digital badges as micro-credentials. Modern User Experience (UX): The modern design of Moodle Workplace provides a clean and user-friendly interface, simplifying navigation and content management for all users.

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My Digital Backpack is an online platform developed by N-TUTORR for students and staff across the Technological University (TU) sector to complete short non-accredited courses and earn a Digital Badge. Significant advancements have been achieved by the N-TUTORR program, some of which include:

Elevated student engagement: The user-friendly and interactive platform has heightened participation, leading to increased student satisfaction. Improved accessibility: The implementation of the program has resulted in enhanced accessibility, making educational resources readily available to a wider audience. Optimised learning management: Empowering instructors with efficient management tools, a centralised platform for streamlined course delivery and assessment, and effective communication tools to foster a more connected learning environment. Recognition through digital credentials: The introduction of Digital Badges allows students and staff to earn and display verifiable credentials for their accomplishments, providing a modern and portable way to recognise skills and achievements across the academic and professional landscape. High engagement and successful outcomes: The LMS has facilitated over 6,000 course completions and currently supports more than 7,000 active learners and is steadily growing, demonstrating its effectiveness in driving participation and academic achievement.

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