
July 28, 2020 | Read Time: < 1 min
An Taoiseach Congratulates HSE graduates of the CPD Certificate in Remote Work.

When the Irish health sector was suddenly required to work-from-home Enovation and Technological University –...

July 10, 2020 | Read Time: < 1 min
Gary Mahon and Maebh Coleman appear on this episode of the Irish Tech News podcast

When the Irish health sector was suddenly required to work-from-home Enovation and Technological University –...

May 8, 2020 | Read Time: 2 mins
How Participation and Collaboration Boost Employee Engagement

We are fortunate to live in a world that enables us to connect regardless of...

January 21, 2020 | Read Time: < 1 min
Totara Learn: Create a Personalised Experience for Every Learner

Totara Learn offers a range of personal customization and personalisation tools to help learners tailor their learning experience. Dashboards can include a personalized list of a user’s current learning items, along with course completion progress bars, due dates and an expandable view of a user’s progression through adaptive, multi-course programs and certifications.

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