The Road to Moodle 4.0: Revealing a new course page structure!
Moodle reveal new prototypes of the improved course page structure, a key deliverable on the road to Moodle 4.0, the user experience centrepiece that will transform Moodle LMS.
Upgrading your Totara Learn Software: The 6 R’s
Upgrading software can seem like a daunting task and is often postponed by organisations, with...
What’s the Best Option for you: Moodle Workplace or Moodle?
One of the most frequently asked questions our team receives is, what is the difference...
Moodle LMS & Totara Learn: What is the best option for you?
Totara Learn is an enterprise LMS that enables large organisations to scale, adapt and connect learning to performance and collaboration with an LXP and performance management system. Moodle, on the other hand, is the go-to LMS for smaller academic organisations and educators.
Hybrid Work: Performance Appraisal
Managers say that some of the challenges of remote and hybrid work are related to...
Webinar | LMS & LXP, Why are they Compatible?
Having an adaptable learning management system (LMS) and a learning experience platform (LXP) is becoming increasingly vital to success for businesses. But choosing the right one can be a difficult task.
The Education Awards 2021: Enovation and TU Dublin Win Best Use of Educational Technology / ICT Initiative of the Year!
We are delighted to be the winners of the Best Use of Technology/ ICT Initiative...
LMS and LXP: The Winning Combination
They both have similar acronyms yet different purposes. Let’s have a look at the benefits of each tool.
Moodle 3.11 is here: Discover the New Features Today!
Moodle 3.11 is here! Moodle is back, focusing specifically on learner experience and accessibility. Moodle...