Audrey Colmer, Author at Enovation Solutions - Page 4 of 13
Moodle Upgrade: May the 4 be with you!
2023 is the year of Moodle 4.X – to borrow a term from the world...
2023 in L&D
Team Enovation look forward to the year ahead 2023 is shaping up to be an...
Moodle 4.1- The upgrade you need!
Moodle 4.1 is coming! There are a number of exciting things in the pipeline for...
2022 Content Roundup
We wrote, spoke and recorded and you listened! With over 30,000 views and 10,000 users...
GIZ & Enovation-A Success Story
Extending Learning Access Across the World atingi is a global digital learning platform developed by...
Save the Date: IITD Conference 2022!
We are delighted to be partners of the IITD National Conference for L&D professionals. Join...
Moodle Workplace 4.0 is here!
What’s New in Moodle Workplace 4.0? After the recent launch of Moodle LMS 4.0, Enovation...
The Era of Employee Empowerment
New research by Protocol shows that people who leave their job frequently (On average every...
Webinar: An Introduction to Accessibility
Are you aware that 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability?...