Audrey Colmer, Author at Enovation Solutions - Page 11 of 13
An Taoiseach Congratulates HSE graduates of the CPD Certificate in Remote Work.
When the Irish health sector was suddenly required to work-from-home Enovation and Technological University –...
Gary Mahon and Maebh Coleman appear on this episode of the Irish Tech News podcast
When the Irish health sector was suddenly required to work-from-home Enovation and Technological University –...
Moodle: An Open Source Hero- Certified Integrations
Last week we discussed the wonder that is Moodle and all the great add one...
Moodle: An open-source hero.
Moodle, what is it? Have you done your fair share of Moodling (Googling Moodle- see...
How Participation and Collaboration Boost Employee Engagement
We are fortunate to live in a world that enables us to connect regardless of...
Enovation Achieves Certified Premium Moodle Partner status
Enovation has been selected as one of the first ever Moodle Premium Partners.
Enovation Partners with SCCUL and Bizmentor
We are delighted to welcome SCCUL amongst our valued customers and honoured that they have...
Update: Enovation’s COVID-19 Response
Due to measures put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19, Enovation has enacted its business continuity plan as of the end of last week.
Enovation is helping you transition to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak
Explore our distance learning solutions for schools and workplaces affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.