We wrote, spoke and recorded and you listened! With over 30,000 views and 10,000 users check out the insights, blog posts and webinars that you have most engaged with during 2022 and catch up on anything you have missed
In May Moodle 4.0 Arrived!
Moodle 4.0 marked the beginning of an exciting new generation of Moodle. Moodle 4 brings an emphasis on a cleaner UI, reduced clutter and easier navigation.
Check out the Moodle 4.0 Webinar here!
Not Quite Ready for OKRS?
In August e-Learning Consultant Mary O’Hara wrote about the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) model. The OKR model has been widely used across the globe as a methodology for goal setting and measuring success/results.
Continue reading about OKRs here.
Accessibility Webinar with Hannah Flew!
Are you aware that 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability? Did you know that by making your content accessible, you can reach out to this population as well? Doing so will greatly broaden your audience reach. Accessibility in eLearning means making your content available to learners with different abilities; it is about removing barriers.
The full webinar is available here.
The Golden Age of L&D
After years of focus on the role of technology in innovation and growth, it feels like we’re entering a golden era for Learning and Development (L&D) – a period where L&D needs to be at the heart of organisational planning to deliver on business objectives.
Have a read and let us know your thoughts.
FBD Case study
FBD has been protecting Irish consumers, farmers and businesses for over 50 years and is proud to be the largest Irish-owned insurer, offering a wide range of protection products including car, home, van, business and farm insurance.
Find out the problems that FBD were facing and the solution that team Enovation put into action.
DePaul Charity Campaign
At Enovation, we’ve been partnering with many of Ireland’s leading charities for over a decade. As the foremost provider of open-source solutions, we’re experienced in working with charities and not-for-profit organisations to leverage the benefits of open-source platforms to achieve operational excellence without the cost of proprietary software.
Find out more about our work with Depaul in this video.
Moodle Workplace 4.0 has launched!
Enovation was delighted to welcome the latest version of the corporate LMS, Moodle Workplace 4.0. Including all the groundbreaking UX improvements of Moodle 4.0, Moodle Workplace 4.0 has a new fresh and intuitive interface plus enhanced tools to engage diverse teams of learners and maximise employee training outcomes.
Discover the Moodle Workplace 4.0 features in the 7-minute video.
White Paper: Competency Framework in Practice
In Collaboration with the IITD, we composed a comprehensive review of how competency frameworks are used within organisations for the learning and development of people. This whitepaper is designed to help HR and L&D professionals.
This Whitepaper is available for download
Webinar with Open Sesame: L&D’s strategic role in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
This webinar examines how the L&D function within an organisation can play a pivotal role in promoting DEI policies and implementing a DEI strategy. The discussion first looks at how education and learning can help employees understand DEI issues and how they manifest themselves in organisations. The discussion also considers how to help employees understand what they can do to foster a culture within the organisation that fosters and celebrates differences. The second part of the webinar examines access to opportunities within the organisation. We look at ways for promoting skills transparency to highlight potential bias in the organisation. The talk also considers a method of providing access to opportunity to all through targeted learning interventions where the employee can drive their own development in a way aligned to their career aspirations.